A Local Grace-Oriented, Bible Teaching, Dispensational, Independent, Evangelical Christian, Nondenominational Church
Are you and your family looking for a Nondenominational Church in Spokane where God’s Word is faithfully taught?

Local Weekly Worship Services:
Sunday School 9:30 am
Sunday Service 10:45 am
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm
Come Visit Us!
Spokane, WA. 99208

The Woman, the Child, and the Dragon
"For the equipping of the saints..." - Ephesians 4:12
Spokane Bible Church is an evangelical Christian, dispensational, nondenominational church with a passion for solid expositional Bible teaching (often which consists of verse-by-verse teaching through a book in the Bible), equipping the believers through discipleship training, and evangelizing the lost with a clear explanation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sunday and Wednesday Services
See what we believe and teach. Check out our doctrine or lessons.
We have made it our mission to stand firm in Christ in the midst of a world gone crazy, keeping our focus on listening to the Word and learning to trust the Lord, which results in obedience to Him who is our ever-present hope and help in every time of need!
Pastor Jeremy’s sermons will take you on a verse-by-verse journey through Scripture, giving you a deeper appreciation for God’s Holy Bible, preserved for us through the ages, that we might be trained in righteousness and equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
We would love to meet YOU in person, but feel free to learn more about US before your visit. We hope to meet you soon!